The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

To know the form of the matter in it. There is no knowledge for any created being other than God, nor for the first intellect to understand how lineages come together, from whose combination there is an existential essence that is independent in appearance and not independent in the rich, lacking in the possibility by which it is judged. This is knowledge that no one knows except God Almighty, and it is not in the possibility that Other than God Almighty teaches it, and He does not accept teaching. I mean that God teaches it to whomsoever He wishes of His servants, so I liken knowledge to it to knowledge of the essence of truth, and knowledge of the essence of truth is impossible for it to be attained by anyone other than God. It is impossible for knowledge of the world, or of man himself, or of the essence of everything for himself to be attained by anyone other than God, so understand this issue. I do not I heard, but did not know, that anyone pointed out it, and if he knew it,

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The abode of blessings and blessings *** to Him is the key to generosity

And to Him is the occurrence He has no foot in the rank of feet

which is the same ruling as not having any foot in the universe

< p> God Almighty said, “And He is with you wherever you are, and His companion is companionship.” It is authentic on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, the translator, on the authority of his Lord with a true tongue that does not speak out of desire because He is very strong. O God, You are the companion in travel.

So take him as his companion in his journey and travel. From the travels, it is the appearance, so it is the appearance of companionship in the way that suits it and it is called

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Know that the secret of the divine life was hidden in existing beings, so they were revived by the life of truth. Some of them did not have their life revealed to our eyes, and some of them God did not take our sight of in this world, except for the prophets and some of God’s saints, for He revealed to them the life of all things, and those who are hidden perceive it by faith since they were believers. As for those who do not In a believer, he does not realize that, neither by revelation nor by faith. We ask God for protection from disbelief and for this life to spread throughout the essence of existing beings. All of them uttered a rosary of praise for their Creator. However, the claim was attached to this life for every living person. They imagine that their life is theirs, until when it departs from their hearts, they see the matter contrary to what they thought. It is their vision that the life in which they were alive is the life of the truth, nay, it is the truth itself, as

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