The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God's mercy surrounded him from all sides, so know that, and if the facts are true, let the foolish person say whatever he wants, for a group of people dispute with us about that. If God's mercy had not been so comprehensive, those who say such things would never have received God's mercy. So I ask God not to join us with the ignorant, for what Then there is no attribute or reproach that is uglier than ignorance, for ignorance is the key to all evil, and that is why he said to Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so do not be among the ignorant. He addressed him with such a speech due to his young age and the strength of his youth, so he responded to him with a strong speech in forbidding that, and God Almighty said to Noah, peace be upon him, when he did not have the strength of youth and was He has grown old and reached the age at which he is still respected and treated with respect and custom. I advise you to be of the ignorant, so be gentle with him in your speec

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