The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In the essence of these letters, there is infiniteness. Therefore, the words of God do not penetrate. The forms of words occur, that is, they always appear. Existence and existence remain permanent. Know, O composite, who you are and what you are composed of, and how it did not appear to your eye in your simplicity and appeared to your eye in your composition, and no existential matter occurred except the ratio of composition. You judge him by a matter that you did not judge before the composition, so understand. He created the image of “Kun” from the soul, then the beings from “Kun,” and only words appeared, all of them related to “Kun,” which is a word for an existential command. So what appeared from it was only the appropriate compound letters that combine with “Kun” in its being a word, so his command means only one. And it is His saying, “Be.” God Almighty said, “And He commanded us only one thing.” And He said, “Our only statement about a thing is that when We intend it to

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