The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And in it the fruits appear, I mean in the branches, and the benefits are obtained as they are in the place of needs, and then there is nothing but Him

If I had a way to you *** it would not have been possible I have proof of you.

Therefore, you are a Mighty Lord *** and I am the humble servant .

I marvel at a God and a servant *** and in the house of Ali, he is jealous.

Addition and literal inclusion *** that he and we are Adil.

God said it, He did not say it *** Be, so I said it when He said.

And when someone confronts you, be fair to him

If you violate it, you will be on the brink of

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And know that the Truth does not speak to His servants, nor does He address them except from behind a veil of an image in which He appears to them. That image is a veil from Him and evidence of Him, just as the apparent physical image of a human being. If the speaking soul wants to speak to another soul, it speaks to it from behind the veil of the image of its body with the tongue and language of that image. Although the soul is created and its affairs are as we have mentioned, how about the Creator? He does not witness the stages in rhetorical disputes except images of it that take what is translated to him of the truths and secrets, which is the jurisprudential Sunnah and the limit of the relationships from the blind to the earth and what is between them. No matter how far the image separates from the blind and the inner human form separates from the earth, then they meet, that is the relationship. If it reaches the blind or the matter comes to the earth, then that is a descent,

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And know that movements cannot occur except from someone moving something intentionally on the part of the mover, whether the mover himself or someone else, so the forms speak of his movement, rather, of his movement in what he moved in according to his intention, so the forms are formed according to the setting and by the intention that was from the mover, like the letters. In the soul emerging from a person, if he intends to manifest a specific letter in order to find its eye in its place of residence that is his, the form of the letter is opened in that place, so he assigns to that letter a name that is its own, distinguishing it from others if it is mentioned, just as its form is distinguished from the form of another if it is present, according to the extension of the soul. Then, if he intends to make it manifest. A word in itself. When the specifics of the letters appear in themselves, he intends to show certain letters that no other

appears, so they are joined in th

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