The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In what he described himself with, he did not include it under the rule of his mind in terms of himself. God Almighty is above that. Know that what is called marriage may be the intercourse contract, or it may be a contract and intercourse together, or it may be intercourse, and the same intercourse is the same as the contract, because intercourse is not valid except with the contract of the spouses, and from there. Divine, spiritual, and natural, and it may be intended for procreation, I mean for birth, or it may be for mere enjoyment. As for the divine, it is the directing of the truth over the possible in the presence of possibility through the will of love, to be accompanied by joy. So if the right is directed toward it, as we have mentioned, it is clearer from this possible formation, so what generates from this meeting is the existence of the possible, so the essence of the possible is. The name is welcome, the voluntary directness to marriage and the production is a creatio

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