The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The other ends, so the ends rule over them by seeking them, and this matter will always remain for them. As for the Muhammadan, he does not have this ruling or this limitation, for his breadth is the breadth of the truth, and the truth does not have an end in itself to which its existence ends. The truth is witnessed by the Muhammadan, so he has no end in his witnesses, and there is no other except the Muhammadan, for he is witnessed in his place. There is no state or place in which he resides except that it is permissible for him to end and the situation will change for him or for him to be executed. He believes that this is the utmost knowledge of God, since in judgment he has the right to look to himself and to his Lord and to Jesus, peace be upon him, Muhammad. This is why he will descend at the end of time, and with him God seals the great mandate, and he is the Spirit of God and His Word. The words of truth never run out, for Muhammad does not have a goal in his mind that he

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Know that these mentioned positions cannot be perceived except with the eye of the imagination if they are seen. Their forms, if God represents them in whatever He wills, are imaginable and you see them as persons seen by the eye, just as tangible things are seen with the eye and just as meanings are seen with the eye of insight. For if God reduces a lot while it is a lot in the same matter or it is a lot. A little, and it is a little in the same matter, so you only see it with the eye of imagination, not with the eye of sense, and it is the same sight in both cases, as God Almighty said: And when He showed them to you, when you met, a little in your eyes, and He made you appear to be like them in their eyes. If you had not seen them with your imagination, you would not have seen them Of the number is a lie, and the one who shows it is not telling the truth in what I see. Beware of you. And if the one who showed you that is what I see with the eye of imagination, then the abundanc

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