The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He saw it in it as he saw it in himself, while they were not aware, so he saw that the truth brought them together in the form of three, so the statement of the one who said that he is the third of three in the two aspects of creation and truth is correct and correct, and there is no god but one god because he appointed each one of the three and there is no other than him, so he is one and he is three. Of the divine prophetic inheritance, these witnesses did not happen to us except by imitating and following the Prophet. When we learned of it, we inherited it, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. No inheritance is valid for anyone except after the legacy is transferred to the isthmus. What happened to you without transfer is not an inheritance. Rather, that is a gift, a gift, and a grant in which you are a representative and a successor, not an heir. So, in terms of knowledge, you are an heir, and in terms of the same witnesses, you are not an heir. Do you not see in

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