The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Those who detail matters by rational consideration and not by divine information. Whatever has been decided by divine information is all good deeds, and whatever has been decided by rational consideration is good and invalid in relation to its detail and nothing else, and everything is good deed in relation to God Almighty, just as He says that imperfection in existence is part of the perfection of existence, if you will. I said of the perfection of the world, because if the imperfection diminished the world, it would be incomplete, so understand

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And know that we were not saying about unrighteous work or corruption as an etiquette with divine knowledge and truth, but when we saw in the divine situation, God warned against corruption and said, “And do not seek corruption on earth. Indeed, God does not like the corruptors.” The earth and no corruption, and we saw in the custom among rational people, and indeed all people, the mention of corruption, so we mentioned it, but we were saying that instead of corruption, the display of one form and the removal of another, as is the case in itself, for the sake of a special composition and natural mood system. As for his saying that God does not like corruptors, what is meant is change. The divine ruling does not change the eye or change the image. As for his saying, “height in the earth,” it is a certain matter, because height cannot be accepted by the earth as long as it is land for someone who has land. And everything that we see high and towering in it is a mountain and a peg wi

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