The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He has one of those faces until his heart settled into it, so he knew how God revives the dead, as well as the story of Joseph, Lot, Moses, David, and Muhammad, peace be upon him, as well as what they attributed in the story of Solomon to the two angels, and all of that was transmitted from the Jews, and they deemed permissible the honors of the prophets and angels according to what the Jews who were wounded by God mentioned. They filled their books in interpreting the Mighty Qur’an with that, and there is no text about that in the Book or the Sunnah. May God protect us and you from the mistakes of thoughts, words, and deeds. Trustworthy in His glory and power, and in it is knowledge. Whoever establishes evidence of his infallibility has the right to praise himself with what God has taught him that he has of praiseworthy qualities, for it is one of the greatest blessings. God is upon His servant, and God says: And as for the grace of your Lord, speak, and in it is the knowledge of

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His rank over the world is through care and the survival of the world forever and ever, even if his image is transferred, and he is from the Presence of Muhammad.

Maqamat stipulating the consistency of *** for honorable propheted souls.

I say it and my companion does not know *** because the light is in the eye of darkness

If there was no darkness, there would be no light *** So the eye of deficiency appears completely

If the addition is known to whoever sees it *** it is restricted By contracts and by resurrection

He sees that existence has an end*** and that the beginning appears by the end.

So there is an obstacle between the beginning and the end of *** an existence that conti

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Know, may God help you, that the entire world is a book written on unfolded parchment, which is existence, so it is apparent, spread out, not folded, so that it is known by its unfolding that it is created for mercy, and by its appearance, He understands and knows what is in it and what it indicates, and He made it a book to join its letters to one another, which is the arrangement of the world in the ways we mentioned and to combine its meanings. To its letters is taken from the army battalion, but we said in Basta that it is for mercy because from it was sent down, as God Almighty said, a revelation from the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, a book whose verses are explained in detail, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know, and God Almighty said in that is a book whose verses were established and then explained in detail. From the Wise and All-Knowing One, the rulings of the verses in it and their details are known only to those who God gave him wisdom, the details of the disco

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