The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And every body has what it desires, every nature *** A creation called the world of light

The honorable angels understood their motto *** Preserving existence from His name, Al-Muhssan

So it moved towards perfection, and *** upon movement gave birth to the world of Satan < / p>

Then minerals and plants, and after them*** brought us the animal worlds.

The ultimate goal is the appearance of our bodies*** in the world of structure and bodies .

When they were made straight and their corners were straightened*** God breathed the gentleness of man. < /p

He covered it with his image, and he was restored as a caliph*** meaning for him possessions and hea

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Know that the difference in information, despite its existence, is most general in influence. Every influencer is better than the one who influences it in particular in terms of that effect, and the preferred thing may be better than it in another respect. Likewise, the virtue of the cause over its effect, the condition over its conditional, the truth over the verified one, and the evidence over the signified in terms of what it is. What is signified for Him, not in terms of His essence, and the virtue may be due to general attachment to what is more specific in attachment to Him, such as the All-Knowing and the All-Powerful, and since all existence is virtuous and preferable, this leads to equality, even if it is said that there is neither virtuous nor superior, but rather an honorable, perfect, and complete existence with no deficiency in it, especially, and not in creatures in any way. Its types are a matter except that it is based on a divine truth and proportion, and there is

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From that is the knowledge of cosmic connection and divine and cosmic separation, and in it is the knowledge of the exaltation of truth with the proven descent and accompaniment of the movement and transmission of the descent and accompaniment, and in it is the knowledge of the difference between the books revealed from God, even if they are all the words of God, and why are their verses and surahs multiplied, is it because they are speech or because they are Speaking of it, and in it is the knowledge of the division of people into a believer in such-and-such and a non-believer in it, and in it is the knowledge of the highest councils, and in it is the knowledge of deadlines, and in it is the knowledge of the wisdom of preference in the world, and in it is the knowledge of the branches emerging from a single root, and in it is the knowledge of the saying of the speaker.

And there is no objection to God *** that He brings the wor

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