The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So we judged him with this epithet, and we said in the name other than it that he is poor before God, so we judged him, so everyone is doomed, just as we judged everything to be destroyed, and we judged on his face an exception to the ruling of destruction, so he was the first to be condemned who determined his identity, so from what he judged his identity by was that he described himself. That he has a soul by opening the fa and adding it to the name Rahman, so that we will know, when our eyes appear and his ambassadors reach us about this matter, the comprehensiveness of mercy and its generality and the inclination of people and the entire creation to it. For the Most Merciful does not appear from Him except the deceased, so understand. The soul is the first unseen to appear to itself, so in it was the truth from His name, the Lord, like the Throne on the Day on which He established Himself. By the name of the Most Gracious, which is the first, dense, transparent, and luminous,

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