The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Let us mention what is in it of knowledge like other stations, so we say in it is the knowledge of the mercy of others and the difference between it and the mercy of beloved ones, children, parents, and all pleasures. In it is the knowledge of the sweetness of revelation and where it is felt in himself by the one to whom the Qur’an is revealed new when reciting it. In it is the knowledge of others, secrets, lights, guidance, and the types of praises and special ranks. Every soul, which does not occur to anyone else, has a share in it, and that is because we know that every soul has an attribute or reality that is unique to it and distinguishes it from everything in the world. It is inevitable that if the divine command comes to it through that particular reality, then its taste for that is limited to it, and this is the lowest chance. The soul is from the station of divine glory. It is for every soul, even if it does not feel it. It is like the action of natural things through a p

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