The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The Essence of Existence is that which preserves the conditions of the particular entities of possible and fixed things, and that they do not exist at all, but rather they have confirmation and judgment in the apparent Essence, which is the true existence. Among our companions are those who believe that the entities are characterized by existence and benefit from the Almighty Truth, and that they are one in essence, even if they are many, and that the states are covered by the Truth. With it along with breaths, since there is no continuity for it except with it, the Truth renews it over entities at every time. So the first is His saying, “Until that which did not exist is destroyed, so no trace remains of it in the essence of existence, so it is deprived of attributes, and that is the state of exaltation. Of the worlds, for the world is nothing but possible things, and God Almighty does not need them if they indicate it, for there is no one who seeks to indicate what we have said,

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For we have presented before this in this book that two persons will never come together in one manifestation, and that the truth does not repeat the manifestation of one person in one form. We have presented that his manifestations differ because they include the moral, spiritual, royal, natural, and elemental forms, so in any form he wishes, he appears, just as he is in He placed you in any form as He wished, and on the road in whatever form He wished He placed you. The boats are different and the rider is one. So whoever has manifestation to him in moral forms says that the drawing is annihilation, and whoever has manifestation to him in natural and elemental forms says that there is pleasure in viewing, and whoever says that there is no pleasure in viewing, manifestation is for him in spiritual forms. He spoke the truth and what he witnessed, he spoke, and which of the witnesses is superior, and we have told you about that for your taste until you learn from that what we have

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