The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He also knew his Lord. Whoever bears witness to himself bears witness to his Lord, so he moves from certainty of knowledge to certainty of certainty. So if he is returned to his shrine, he will be returned to true certainty from certainty of eyes, not to certainty of knowledge. From here, man is taught to differentiate the truth by telling him the truth by telling him the truth with the truth of certainty, the essence of certainty, and the knowledge of certainty, so everything is settled with him. He ruled on his rank, so things did not confuse him, and he knew that the reports did not lie to him. So whoever knows God in this way, he knows and knows the wisdom of the formation of essence in the shell, from the water of the Euphrates in brackish salt, so its shell is its body and its salt is its nature, and for this reason the ruling of nature appeared on its shell, for the salt is white, and it is like the light by which it is revealed. So verify this evidence, and upon God is the

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It appeals to the ears, gives enjoyment, and brings together the bottom and the bottom. When what was meant by the world was the perfect human, there was also from the world the human animal that resembled the perfect in natural origin, and the truths that man had collected were scattered in the world, so the truth called out to them from all the world, and they gathered, and from their association was the human being, for he was its treasury and its faces. The world was directed to this human treasury to see what had emerged from the call of truth with all these facts. She saw an image with an upright stature, upright movement, and specific directions. No one in the world had seen such a human image. From that time, the fiery spirits and angels were visualized in the form of a human, which is the Almighty’s saying, and He appeared to them as normal human beings. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and sometimes the angel appears to me as a man.


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