The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Nothing fills the universe other than those who have committed themselves to creation

And that is the truth and no one else *** What is the Lord’s rank like servants

Whoever knows the truth is a knowledge of taste *** He does not know the pleasure of prostration

The fire of Hell has the ripening of skins and the burning of bodies, and the fire of God is a representative, embodied fire, because it is the result of hidden moral deeds, and the fire of Hell is the result of apparent sensory deeds, in order to group those with this characteristic among the tormentors, as He did to the people of the tribute in giving it out of hand while they were small, so He tortured them with the torment of taking money out of their hands and among the little ones. And oppression, which is the torment of their souls, is what they find so embarrassing.

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His owner does not know what belongs to him, for every servant who deserves to be punished for disobeying what the Messenger brought to him, God has given him respite and what he has taken while he is under the rule of the authority of the All-Merciful Name, he is like a neglectful person, so he does not know whether care for forgiveness and pardon preceded him before the divine punishment was imposed on him by judgment, or he will be taken and then executed. He is subject to the limits of his crimes for a specified period, and since this possibility is justified in the case of one whom God has granted, the image of the person with this description is that of the negligent, for negligence on the part of the truth is not valid, for in God’s prior knowledge, he will either be forgiven or held accountable for what he committed against himself, so he is in danger and unaware of what preceded. In the previous book, he has the ruling, for the ruling judges the just ruler just as he judg

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