The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Human souls have the same in the afterlife as they have in this world, meetings of barzakhs, such as when a sleeper sees in sleep that he will marry his wife and give birth to him. So if the servant is placed in this position, whether he is in this world or in the afterlife, and the man marries his wife in terms of her spirit, in terms of her spirit, he will be born. In between them, from that marriage, there are spiritual children whose ruling is the ruling on those born of sensual marriage in the tangible bodies and images mentioned above, so the children emerge as honorable angels, nay, purified souls, and this is the generation of souls, but that must be about the manifestation of a barzakh, so the truth is revealed in restricted images, for the barzakh is broader. The Presence of Judah, which is the Complex of the Two Bahrains, is the sea of meanings and the sea of senses. The sensed does not have a meaning, and the meaning cannot be sensed. And the Presence of Imagination, w

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And know that the best thing that God Almighty bestowed upon His servants is knowledge. Whoever God gives knowledge to, He has bestowed on him the most honorable qualities and the greatest gifts and knowledge, and if he is honorable in essence, then he has another honor that is attributed to him from his knowledge, for it is a general attribute of attachment, and the keys are honored by the honor of the treasures, and the treasures are honorable in proportion to the honor of what they give. Store in it, for the true existent is the greatest, most exalted, and most honorable of all existences, so knowledge of it is the most honorable, greatest, and most honorable of all the sciences. Then the matter in honor comes down to the last known, and there is nothing except that knowledge of it is better than ignorance of it, so knowledge is an honor that is intrinsic to it, and the other honor is acquired, and the treasures are limited to the limited types of information and their referenc

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