The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And my eyes watch them while they are in its darkness*** and my heart longs for them while they are between my ribs

He says that they are on my tongue if I ask about them and in the darkness of my eyes when I look To them and in my heart, if I think about them and miss them, they are with me in every situation I am in. They are my eyes, and I am not their eyes, since they do not have of me what I have of them.

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It is one house that contains injustice and adherence to the universe, and in it I said

The warning is of two houses, which are for those who *** abandon behavior according to The most upright path

If his existence is fully achieved*** and he follows the ruling of the most ancient exaltation

They returned to bliss with Him, and His bliss *** is in Hell, which is the bliss of every honorable person .

A spiritual abode, which is the torment of souls, and a physical abode, which is the tangible torment, and it is only for those who deviate from the legitimate path, both outwardly and inwardly. If he succeeds in uprightness and care is preceded, he will be protected from that and enjoy the fire of struggle. The Viewing Committee

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It includes the Houses of the Barzakh Spirits, the House of Education, the House of Secrets, the House of Reason, the House of Amulets, the House of the Pole and the Two Imams, and we have in it

Houses . The matter is the essence of the self *** through which my joys and my self obtain.

I wish I could remain in it for the rest of my life *** and not go away until the time of meeting

The paragraph of the eye for the chosen one has *** if he stands out at the beginning of the monologue

The divine command is from the quality of speech and it is blocked without the saints in terms of legislation and what In the Divine Presence, there is an obligatory command unless it is lawful. What remains for the guardian is to hear her command if she commands the prophets. When he hears that, the guardian will have a valid pleasure in

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The most specific qualities of the house of praise relate to knowledge to the infinite. The most specific qualities of the house of symbols relate science to the properties of numbers and names, which are words and letters, and it contains the science of alchemy. The most specific qualities of the house of supplication are the sciences of signs and destinies. The most specific qualities of the house of verbs are the science of now. And the most specific qualities of the house of the beginning are the knowledge of the beginning and the return and the knowledge of the firsts from Everything, and the most specific attributes of transcendence, the science of skinning and dislocation, the most specific attributes of approximation, the science of semantics, and the most specific attributes of the place of expectation, the science of lineage and additions, or the most specific attributes of the place of blessings, the science of causes, conditions, causes, evidence, and truth, the most s

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The spheres are eleven types, the pillars are four, the generators are three, and they have another face corresponding to them of the possible things in the divine presence. The substance is for the essence, which is the first. The second is the symptoms, which are for the attributes. The third is time, which is for eternity. The fourth is the place, which is for equation or attributes. The fifth is additions to additions .

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