The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Of actions and conditions, so that he may remember with his mind his witnessing of that from his Lord in him in the event that he did not exist, because of the proof that he had, which required him to accept divine action in him, and in that proven state, the command of truth was complied with in formation, for the command only comes to someone who is endowed with hearing, so the divine word has not ceased, and the proven hearing has not ceased. It disappears and what happened is except the existential hearing, which is a branch of the evidential hearing, so the state is transferred to the eye of hearing as long as the hearing is transferred, for entities do not change from one state to another, but rather conditions are clothed with rulings, so they are clothed with them, so someone who has no knowledge imagines that the eye has been transferred. Conditions seek the divine names, not that the entities are the ones described. By request, names are given to objects and the heart ac

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