The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In the world there is no rest at all, but it is always fluctuating from one state to another, whether this world or the hereafter, whether apparent or hidden, except that there is hidden movement and visible movement. Conditions change and go on the objects that are capable of them, and movements produce different effects in the world. If it were not for them, periods would not have ended, and no rule for number would have existed and would not have occurred. Things are for a specified period, and there is no transfer from one house to another. The origin of the existence of these states is the divine attributes of the descent of the Truth to the lowest heaven every night, His establishment on an created throne, and His being, and no throne, in a blind place. This is what necessitated that the truth be the servant’s hearing, seeing, and eye of his will, for through it he hears, sees, moves, and wills. Glory be to Him who is hidden in His appearance and who appears in His concealme

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Know that God is also with you, so if you become a guardian of a guardian and God is with him, then God has united with God, so you have combined God with Himself, and you will receive the reward of what the owner of this association deserves, so you see God with the vision of His guardian, and if in guardianship he is greater than you, then God is greater and greater with him than what he is with you, for God is with his guardians.

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