The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

When the seekers came with the intention of ***to obtain something, they entered into marriage

O servants of the entity, possess *** This is what led you and be rewarded

The symbol and the riddle is the speech that gives its apparent meaning to what its speaker did not intend. Likewise, the status of the world in existence is what God created for its own eyes, but God created it for itself, so the world was preoccupied with something other than what it found for it, so it violated An existent intention, and that is why a group of knowledgeable scholars, who are better off than those without them, say, “God created us for us,” and the investigator and the servant do not say that, but rather say, “We created Him for Him, not because of His need for Me.” For I am the riddle of my Lord and His symbol, and whoever knows the poetry of riddles knows what we wanted. As for his saying, “Whe

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This house contains houses, including the house of Al-Ans in Shabih, the house of nourishment, the house of Mecca, Al-Taif, and blocking, the house of shortcomings and trial, the house of gathering, separation, and prevention, and the house of annunciations and sanctification, and in this house I said

For the wandering of the Most Merciful, there are places in you *** So answer the call of truth willingly, O Phil.

I raise the palms of the messengers to you *** You hope for success, so the questioner will not be disappointed.

You are the one who said the evidence by His grace *** and we have evidence and evidence for it.

If it were not for your specialization in the truth, you would not be distinguished *** With your highest descent, He has stations

He says that the

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It includes houses, including the house of grace and inspiration, the house of spiritual journey, the house of kindness, and the house of destruction, and in these houses I say

for the houses of verbs. Brilliant lightning*** and its winds make the clouds tremble

And its arrows in the worlds are windows*** and its swords are cutters in creatures

She was given to the glory that fulfilled her purpose *** For the eye sees and the reach is vast

People are divided into two groups regarding the actions of servants, a group that sees actions from the servants and a group that sees actions from God And every sect has a cloud that prevents it from attributing the act to the one to whom it denied it, and His saying about its winds that they are strong, meaning the reasons and evidence that have been established for each sect to

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It includes houses, including the house of severity and praises, the house of revelations and knowledge of divine monotheism, the house of Rahmut, and the house of truth and fear, and in this house I say

There is evidence and evidence for the beginning *** and for it, when the passengers land, there are houses

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Please note that some contents are translated from Arabic Semi-Automatically!