The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Which is from the Creator to the created being, since if it was cut off from Him, it would perish. Therefore, the people of the tongue made the connection in speech the origin, and the pause is an incident that occurs in speech due to shortness of breath, which is highlighted by the driving force. If he goes too far, he will perish, and if the one who breathes out fears destruction, the attractive force will attract. The air is from outside to inside, so between the end of the push and the start of the pull, the speaker stopped to rest. That is why we say about him that he is a transient, and he is in the divine soul insofar as he is the soul of the Most Merciful, what God afflicts his servant with of distress and embarrassment, then he breathes out of it expansively, so the thing is contrasted with its opposite, and there must be between the two extremes. If they come together over the place, someone who fades takes the place. That fade is what is called a pause in the wor

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For the perfect human being who appears in the divine image, God did not give him this perfection except to be a substitute for the truth, and that is why he called him a caliph and those after him like him are his successors. The first alone is the successor of the truth and those like him who appeared from him in the world of bodies are the successors of this caliph and a substitute for him in every matter that is valid. That he has it, and for this reason the ten statements that do not accept any increase beyond this number are valid for him. This is the first representation .

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As for the second representation, it is for the person himself to represent half of the form in terms of its spirituality, because if God is manifested in the form of humans, as stated, then He appears in its form with sense and meaning. The specific representation here is the representation of the spirit of that form that is manifested in it, and that only occurs in the presence of divine actions. Which appears in the world at the hands of man in terms of what he wants to do what he wants to do in the instant or the resume, since the action is not in the past until after it appears in the instant, so the person acts on behalf of God Almighty in all the actions of the situation that appear at his hand, and no one other than the human has this representation, for the king Animals, minerals, and plants do not have a will related to any matter. Rather, they are with what they were naturally created with, of prostrating to God and praising Him, so their preoccupation is with Him, not

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And know that the third representation in the fulfillment of the matter that created the possible until He brought it from nothingness into existence is in representation of the meaning that required the truth to create this specific possible and He had not created it before that, whether it was a spirit, for example, or a body. Know that the actions emanating from the aspirant are Among the examples is an apparent representation on behalf of God in issuing the possible things on His behalf, but He is not a representative of Him, the Almighty, until the one who appoints Him as His successor and delegates His hearing, sight, hand, and all of His powers. And if He is not in this capacity, then He is not a representative or a successor. For if the possible things do not exist in the hands of the Truth, he looks at them and distinguishes one from the other. With the truths they are, in terms of their certainty, he looks at them through the eyes of His Most Beautiful Names, such as the

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