The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The only thing speaking about this animal vehicle is to walk with it on the straight path that He has appointed for it. If the animal soul responds to that, it is the submissive and willing vehicle, and if it refuses, then it is an unruly animal. Whenever the rider wants to return it to the road, it becomes stubborn and unruly, and takes to the right and left, due to the strength of its head and the poor composition of its temperament. The animal soul does not intend to transgress, and disobedience does not constitute a violation of the sanctity of the Sharia. Rather, it proceeds according to its nature because it does not know the Sharia, and it is agreed that it is in a mood that its rider does not agree with what he wants from it. The rational soul is not capable of disobedience because it is from the world of infallibility and pure souls. If punishment occurs on the Day of Resurrection, it will only fall on The animal soul is like a rider hitting his animal if it becomes unrul

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And know that God Almighty is still looking at the essence of things that are possible in the event of their nonexistence, and that the divine benevolence continues to bestow upon them through creation, in accordance with what was previously known about, regarding the precedence of some of them over others in existence through creation, and since what has the essence of the essence of the whole cannot be possible except through the creation of things. Some of the things that are possible in Him, which do not exist by themselves, are still preserved by the Divine Preservation of their existence through Him, and in themselves they do not accept survival except for the time of their existence. Thus, the Divine Presence continues to exist for this essence, the whole in which God has created the forms of the world through which it remains. Conditional possibilities, so God remains the Creator at all times, preserving Him at all times. Likewise, Glory be to Him, the Most High, if He had

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