The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

That there is neither in the houses nor in the shrines a house that is universal to the entire world and man except this house, for it has universal mercy in the world because the world, in terms of its reality, is based on four pillars in its physical and spiritual form. In terms of its nature, it is square, and in terms of its soul, it is square, so in terms of its body, it has four. Natures from the four pillars, and in terms of his soul, from a mother, father, breath, and direction, mercy came to him from four faces, each face a mercy that belonged to him. The mercy that preserves his moisture so that his dryness does not affect it is other than the mercy that preserves his dryness so that his moisture does not consume it, and the mercy that preserves his coolness so that his heat does not consume him is other than mercy. Which preserves his heat so that it is not destroyed by his coldness, so it resists, so for this impedance and equivalence the form of the body remains as lo

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And know that animals learn from man and about the affairs of the hereafter, and from the facts that exist that some people are ignorant of and do not know, as it was reported from some of them that he saw a man riding on a donkey hitting the donkey’s head with a rod, so the dreamer forbade him from hitting the donkey’s head, so the donkey said to him, “Leave him.” He was beaten on the head, so he made him the eye of a donkey, and the donkey knew that he would be rewarded for the same as what he did to him, and he said, “Leave him,” because the donkey knew that there was good for him in that with God, or because he also knew that he had not fulfilled his right to what He created for him of forced labor, so he knew that he deserved to be beaten, so he alerted the listener to him that the person If he does not do what he was obligated to do to his owner, he deserves to be beaten politely and as a reward for what he did. These are all aspects that confirm the form of this action and

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