The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The servant, except through faith, has the bright light. Rather, he is the bright light that removes all darkness. If he worships him upon martyrdom, he will see all his powers. No one else has performed his worship, nor should it be performed by anyone other than him. Then, there is no one who attains this position except the human believer, for he is not a believer except in his Lord. For He, Glory be to Him, is the believer.

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And know that if you are not of this status and you do not have any footing in this degree, then I will point out to you what will get you the highest rank, which is to know that God did not create creation in a single mood, but rather He made them of varying temperaments, and this is attested by intuition and necessity because of the disparity between people in Rational consideration and faith. It has come to you through the path of truth that man is the mirror of his brother, and he sees in him what a person does not see in himself except through the mediation of someone like him. Man is obscured by his desires and is in love with him. So if he sees that characteristic in someone else, and it is his characteristic, he sees his own faults in others, so he knows its ugliness if it is ugly or its goodness. If it is good

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And know that mirrors are of different shapes, and that they become what is visible to the seer according to their shape of length, width, straightness, crookedness, roundness, decrease, increase, and multiplicity, and everything is given the form of that mirror. And I have learned that the Messengers were the most just of people in their temperament in accepting the messages of their Lord, and each person among them accepted the message to an extent. God gave him his mood of composition, so there is no prophet except that he was sent specifically to a specific people, because he is in a specific and restricted mood, and Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, God did not send him except with a general message to all people, and he did not accept such a message except because he was in a general mood that contained a mood. Every prophet and messenger is the most just and perfect of temperaments and the most upright of upbringings. If you know this and want to see the tr

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