The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Revenge against him, and she does not know the balance of injustice and justice in that revenge and oppression, because that is what is hers, but that is for the mind and the law of the time, and so the poet who said was wrong.

Injustice is one of the characteristics of souls, and if you find someone with chastity, then perhaps he is not being wronged .

If he had said oppression instead of injustice, he would have said the correct one, for injustice is not brought about by anyone except the lawful one, so it is known from it. For the soul, nothing but oppression is an ignorant fever, and if it encounters the truth, it is A religious diet, and for this reason, anger is praised for God and in God, and anger is condemned for other than God and in other than God. This is from the plan of the True Wise One, who arranged things in their proper order and gave everything His creation so that it might be a sign for Him for those

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Then you should know that God has shown me a strange ruling related to the human world, and I do not know whether it relates to anything other than man in the world or not. God has not informed me of that, and I should not say about God what I do not know. May God protect me and you from that, and this ruling appears in The human world at the end of every three thousand years of the world, and with God it is one day. I do not know to what divine name this day belongs, because I did not know of it except that the Almighty God divided it for me in three thirds, every third of a thousand years, and a thousand years is one day of the days of the Lord, this is what He told me. By Him, my Lord, and this period, which is three thousand years, His ruling on man is the ruling on the beginning of promises, life, and death, as God wills and where God wills. However, when God numbered this matter for me in my scroll of words that I stood upon watching, He made a word in silver and a word in g

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And know that we have inspiration from God, not revelation, for the path of revelation was cut off with the death of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the revelation occurred before him, and no divine news came that there was a revelation after him, as he said, and it was revealed to you and to those before you, and no revelation was mentioned after him, even if This was not necessary, as the true prophetic news came about Jesus, peace be upon him, and he was among those to whom it was revealed before the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he, peace be upon him, does not believe in us except from us

That is, from our Sunnah, so he has the revelation when it descends, and the inspiration is as for this nation, and he cannot imagine it. Regarding inspiration, it is not divine news, so what is the matter? Rather, it is divine news and information from God to the servant at the hands of an angel who is hidden from t

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