The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The eternal is the same as eternal life. Rather, he distinguished the two sides, I mean eternity and eternity, the existence of the world and its living occurrence, and this knowledge is related to the length of the world, I mean the spiritual world, which is the world of meanings and command, and it is related to the breadth of the world, which is the world of creation, nature, and bodies. God is the Lord of the Worlds, and this was the knowledge of Al-Hussein bin Mansour, may God have mercy on him. If you hear one of the people of our path speaking about letters, he says that the length of such-and-such a letter is such-and-such a cubit or a span, or its width is such-and-such, like Al-Hallaj and others, then by length he means to do it in the world of spirits and by width to do it in the world of bodies, that aforementioned amount that This term distinguishes it from the situation of al-Hallaj

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So whoever of the investigators knows the truth of what is, then he has known the highest knowledge, and whoever creates with his effort any of the beings, then it is not of this knowledge, and since the nine appeared in the reality of these three letters, the nine spheres appeared from them from the counted numbers, and by the movements of the sum of the nine spheres and the movement of their planets, the world and what is in it were created as It is also destroyed by its movements, and by the movement of the highest of these nine, Paradise was found with what is in it, and with the movement of that highest, all that is in Paradise was formed, and by the movement of the second that follows the highest, Hell was found with what is in it, and the Resurrection, and the resurrection, and the gathering, and the publication, and with what we have mentioned, the world was mixed with bliss mixed with torment, and with what we also mentioned, Paradise was all bliss. And Hell is a torment

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So the people of Hell will have their portion of bliss not to occur in torment, and their portion of torment will be its expectation, for they have no security in the way of news from God, and they are shielded from the fear of expectation at certain times. They are shielded from it for ten thousand years, at times two thousand years, and at times six thousand years, and they do not go beyond this mentioned amount whenever it comes. It was necessary for them to have this amount of time, and if God wanted to bless them with His Name, the Most Gracious, they would look at the state they were in at the time and their release from the torment they were in, and they would enjoy that amount of looking at it for a time, and this look would last for them a thousand years, and a time of nine thousand years, and a time of five. Thousands of years, and it increases and decreases, and their condition will always remain in Hell, since they are its inhabitants. And all of this that we have ment

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