The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God is not remembered except through Him, and in the same matter, they should not remember God except through God. When they saw that the matter appeared to the contrary, which is what he said, peace be upon him, when he was told of God’s saints, those who saw the remembrance of God said that they were jealous of this

and wanted Respecting the Divine Majesty until they mention Him to begin with, not because of their vision. As for their jealousy over their souls, they have not achieved the truth in their fluctuations in witnessing the affairs of the truth, except so that the creation does not know them, just as they do not know the truth. So as long as they remain ignorant in the world, they will have a good life and know that God has made them hidden, innocent, protected in the protection of the world. The totality of His burdens, when they know them, they move either by the situation, which is acting according to customs, which are like the usual signs, and only those wh

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The symbols of God are among His servants and they are people of greatness, and I did not meet anyone of this type except one in Mosul from the people of Haditha Mosul who had this position and a difficult incident happened to him and he did not find anyone to save him from it. When he heard about us, he was brought to us by someone who believed in him, and he was the jurist Najm al-Din. Muhammad bin Shai al-Mawsili presented his incident to us, and we freed him from it. He was pleased with that, and it warmed his heart, and we took him as a companion, and he was one of the people of this station. I am still striving to move him from it to something higher while remaining as it is, for the shift in stations is not by leaving the station, but rather by achieving what is higher. From it without departing from the position in which it was, it is a transition to such-and-such, not from such-and-such, but with such-and-such, so this is the transition of the people of God, and this is t

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He saw it as an eternal shadow of the one in whose image it is, and he did not take its place, because the passive does not take the place of its subject. Shadows do not prostrate except for the prostration of the one from whom they appear. The shadows have no effect, rather they are the influence on them, and each passive has its subject higher than it in rank, so things do not bear witness except by their ranks, not by their essence. There is no difference between kings and vulgar people in humanity. The world is distinguished only by its ranks, and some of them are not honored over others except by them. Whoever knows that honor belongs to the ranks and not to his own person, does not delude himself in saying that he is more honorable than others, even if he says that this rank is more honorable than this rank, and this is the position of the wise and knowledgeable, says the Messenger of God. May God’s blessings and peace be upon him abundantly in this

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