The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He came from the absence of Hazrat *** God has erased his full moon

He became a creation after *** he was a spirit who opened his mouth

and his matter was completed in him *** so he loved him and pleased him

Whoever is like him has *** May God increase his reward

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Know, may God help you, that the knowledge of Jesus is the knowledge of letters, and for this reason He gave the breath, which is the air coming out of the cavity of the heart, which is the spirit of life. If the air is cut off on its way out to the mouth of the body, the places of its interruption are called letters, so the main points of the letters appear, and when they are combined, the sensory life in meanings appears, and it is the first. What appeared from the divine presence to the world, and the objects in their absence had no relation except hearing. So the objects were ready in themselves, in their state of non-existence, to accept the divine command if it was responded to by existence. When He intended existence by it, He said to it, “Be,” and it was formed and appeared in its objects, so the divine speech was the first thing. - I realized it from God Almighty with the words that befit Him, Glory be to Him. The first word was composed of the word “kun” and it is compos

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We have known the truth that the cause of life in the images of generators is the divine breath in His saying, “If I have shaped him and breathed into him my spirit, which is the breath with which God revived faith and revealed it,”

He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “The breath of the Most Merciful comes to me from Before Yemen

Thus, the Merciful soul revived the image of faith in the hearts of the believers and the image of the legitimate rulings, so Jesus was given the knowledge of this divine breath and its lineage, so he would blow on the image in the grave or on the image of the bird that he created from clay, and it would rise up alive by the divine permission applicable to it. That breath and in that air, and if the divine ear had not flowed through it, life would not have occurred in a form at all. From the soul of the Most Gracious, the knowledge of Jesus came to Jesus, and he revived the dead with his breath, peace be upon him, and his

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And if a person resolves himself in his ascension to his Lord and each universe takes from Him on its path what suits it, then nothing remains of it except this secret that he has from God. He does not see it except through Him and does not hear His words except through Him. For He is exalted and sanctified to be perceived except through Him. And if the person returns from this scene. His image, which had been dissolved in his veins, was composed, and the world returned to it all that it had taken from it, which was appropriate for it, for every world does not exceed its kind, so all came together in this divine secret and included it, and through it the image glorified His praise and praised its Lord, since no one praises Him except Him, even if the image praised Him from where it is, not from where it is. This secret did not reveal divine grace or gratitude in this form, and gratitude to Him was proven in all creatures, so it was proven that what was from the creation of God in

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And know that the life of spirits is an intrinsic life, and for this reason every possessed spirit is alive with his spirit, and when the Samaritan knew about this when he saw Gabriel and knew that his spirit is identical with his essence and that his life is intrinsic, he does not set foot in a place except that he revives that place by touching that image that represents it, so he took a fistful of his trace, and that is what God Almighty says. In what was reported about him, he said that, so I took a fist from the footprints of the Messenger, and when he fashioned the calf and a picture in it, he dropped that fist, so the calf was cast down, and when Jesus, peace be upon him, was a spirit, as God called him, and as he created him as a spirit in the form of a fixed human being, he created Gabriel in the form of an unstable Bedouin, and he used to revive the dead by simply blowing. Then he supported him with the Holy Spirit, for he is a spirit supported by a pure spirit from the

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