The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He said, “And whoever is in them,” and the plural of the heavens and the earth, is the plural of “whoever makes sense,” and in it is the knowledge of simile and metonymy, and of the powerful in the spiritual world, and in it is the knowledge of messages spread in the world, and that everyone who walks in the world only walks as a messenger with a message, and it is noble knowledge. Even a worm in its movements is in a message. It seeks with it for those who understand that, and it contains knowledge of the traces of power and distinguishing it from other lineages, and it contains knowledge of divine revelations and what is to be praised from them, and the saying of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, “We will rain with the rain of conquest,” and in it is knowledge of doors and their ranks, and in it is knowledge that divine prevention is a gift, and in it is knowledge of divine determination, and in it is knowledge of the revelation of divine speech according to the degree

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If the soul is shocked by his revelation***, then what about the temple of his darkness?

God has established its pillars *** and made it a ship on its waters

And it is not a sea that has a coast *** and where is the finiteness of His names

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> The Father of the universe, if only you knew about him *** and the eyes of his children witness him

Do not rejoice in His coming *** and do not sit in His misfortunes

Glory be to the doctrine of our notables *** if we disbelieve in His blessings

Oh, how astonishing we have disbelieved in it *** And I am one of his favors

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Know, may God help us and you, that this abode is the abode of obstructive veils and driving machines. Among them are veils of protection, such as

His saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that God has seventy thousand veils, or seventy veils of doubt from me from the light of darkness, and if he revealed them, I would burn the glories of His face. What his sight perceived of his creation

And here is a joke and an indication that the sight here is the sight of the creation whose sight is right and which is capable of these veils and is described as being

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