If the soul is shocked by his revelation***, then what about the temple of his darkness?

God has established its pillars *** and made it a ship on its waters

And it is not a sea that has a coast *** and where is the finiteness of His names

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> The Father of the universe, if only you knew about him *** and the eyes of his children witness him

Do not rejoice in His coming *** and do not sit in His misfortunes

Glory be to the doctrine of our notables *** if we disbelieve in His blessings

Oh, how astonishing we have disbelieved in it *** And I am one of his favors

" lang="en-GB" /> If the soul is shocked by his revelation***, then what about the temple of his darkness?

God has established its pillars *** and made it a ship on its waters

And it is not a sea that has a coast *** and where is the finiteness of His names

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> The Father of the universe, if only you knew about him *** and the eyes of his children witness him

Do not rejoice in His coming *** and do not sit in His misfortunes

Glory be to the doctrine of our notables *** if we disbelieve in His blessings

Oh, how astonishing we have disbelieved in it *** And I am one of his favors

"> “ The fulfilling chapter is fifty-three hundred in the knowledge of a verse in which the question is revealed and the veil is lifted from the eyes of the meanings. It is from the Presence of Muhammad, whose name is the Lord. ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ The fulfilling chapter is fifty-three hundred in the knowledge of a verse in which the question is revealed and the veil is lifted from the eyes of the meanings. It is from the Presence of Muhammad, whose name is the Lord. ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 210 من الجزء Three

If the soul is shocked by his revelation***, then what about the temple of his darkness?

God has established its pillars *** and made it a ship on its waters

And it is not a sea that has a coast *** and where is the finiteness of His names

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> The Father of the universe, if only you knew about him *** and the eyes of his children witness him

Do not rejoice in His coming *** and do not sit in His misfortunes

Glory be to the doctrine of our notables *** if we disbelieve in His blessings

Oh, how astonishing we have disbelieved in it *** And I am one of his favors


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