The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

That knowledge was revealed to him, so the truth is his treasure, and he is its preserver and clearer, even with his remembrance of this forgetful person, even if that is not the case. Otherwise, he is not remembering what he forgot, but rather he is learning new knowledge similar to his first knowledge. Rather, renewal occurred in the manifestation that he gave him, mentioning what he had forgotten, and it is a strange matter. In the knowledge that the servant forgot his Lord at certain times due to his preoccupation with himself or with something in the world, then he remembers Him, and this forgotten person does not accept renewal, but rather he is the same. From here you know the knowledge of remembering what you forgot, and in it is the knowledge of the beginning. Is this description impossible for God or not? And from here, he denies who He denied the divine abrogation of matters and laws, and said by denying the creation of many things, just as he said by stating that there

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