The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And he leaves out the ruling on it, and in what calamities this will happen, and who is right in this issue? Is there anyone who says that he rules with his knowledge or someone who disagrees? In my opinion, on this issue, if I were knowledgeable about a matter and the witnesses testified contrary to my knowledge, and it is not permissible for me to rule with my knowledge if I am one of those who say so. In judging the matter, I chose someone who has no knowledge of the matter and left the ruling on it. This is the correct approach in my opinion and what I work by, even if there is something in the soul, and this is what I have in ruling on wealth. As for ruling on bodies, I do not rule except with my knowledge if I know of innocence, and if there is no innocence and I know it is true. The slanderer: I ruled by the witnesses and abandoned my knowledge and the knowledge of the reason for this which I went to is included in this verse, and in it is the knowledge of what the world ha

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Every person has his own surah from the Qur’an *** and my surah is from the Book of God revealed

If you look, you will see wonder in each of them*** Fire, light, purity, and representation .

The firstborn of those who watch in their eyelids are tampered with *** Her tip did not vote with his eyeliner

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This surah was revealed to us in the city of Aleppo, and it was said to me when I saw it: This is a surah that no human being or jinn had ever urinated on. So I saw that it had a great inclination towards my side, and it appeared to me in a similarity to this house that I had entered before that. Then I was told, “It is purely for you, to the exclusion of the believers.” When it was said, For me, I understood the Ash’aris and knew that they were my essence and the essence of my form and not other than me, for there is nothing in existence that is sincere to it and there is no other than it, whether ancient or modern, except its own essence. So I said, “Here I am.” Then I knew the meaning of purification, and I knew what was recited to me in what was revealed to me from the Qur’an upon recitation, and that is when it was revealed. The inspiration by reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas gave the eye of understanding in calling it by this name without other surahs, for they are all attributed to

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