The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Formation was not a reality because its rule is moderation, and moderation corresponds to inclination, and formation can only occur by inclination, and when the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, learned from God that He did not create the world except by preferring one of the two possibilities.

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said To the judge of religion, if you weigh, then give preference.

For the two aspects of it are equally possible, and God did not create it except by preference. Then God mentioned about Himself that He did not have a knowledge, so He mentioned about Himself that He loved to be known, so He preferred the aspect of His knowledge over its opposite, so He created the world. By giving preference to the side of knowledge over its opposite, when God balanced mercy and anger, mercy prevailed and was weighted, and divine wrath was elevated. There is no meaning for the elevation of a thing except the di

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Then you learned that there is a difference between death and sleep because of the images you see in sleep and what you benefit from in terms of pleasant and painful states and the speed of change in the sleeper’s image from one state to another, and you did not see that in the image of the body. Then you wake up and see the body as it is in its form without changing and you see the body’s reaction. Sometimes, when something happens to the sleeper during his sleep, such as the flow of water in a dream, when seeing intercourse in sleep, she knew from all of this that there is something else behind this body between it and this image. Then she saw the disparity of the proverbs in knowledge and understanding, and the lack of some of them in education, and she looked at the state of asceticism. He thought and took solitudes, and did not take from the pleasures of sensible things except what touched his needs, which are what sustains this body. And the person in this state increases an

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