The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Satan was sent down as a punishment without a return to his origin, for it is not his abode and there is no creation from it, so God asked the temptation to continue for him in the descendants of Adam, when God punished him with what he hated by sending him down to the earth. The reason for that was originally the existence of Adam, because with his presence the command to prostrate occurred and what appeared appeared. Satan, and whatever the matter was, we know that God sent him with mercy and made him a mercy to the worlds. So whoever does not receive His mercy, that is not on his part, but that is on the part of the one who receives it. He is like solar light, its rays pouring out on the earth. So whoever is hidden from him in the shade and shadow of a wall, then he is the one who did not accept the spread of the light upon him and turned away from it. He did not prevent him from returning to the sun from that, and he told, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he had b

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