The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Indeed, to God, what are the universes in Him *** Among the provisions of contradiction in existence

Among them are obedient, disobedient, and knowledgeable *** ignorant of the descent and ascension

And among them are those who investigate the unseen *** And among them are those who investigate the witnesses

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> So many appear, and the eye of them *** is alone with evidence and contracts

Glory be to what is intended by all An epithet *** is one of the descriptions of divinity and servants

And Glory be to Him who surrounds all things *** and is described in more knowledge

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The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “I am the master of people on the Day of Resurrection.” He explained that with his completeness and said, “If Moses had been alive, he would have had no choice but to follow me. ”

Due to the generality of his message and the comprehensiveness of his law, he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, singled out things that were not given to a prophet before him. No prophet was singled out for anything except that it was for Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for he was given comprehensive words, and he said, “I was a prophet, and Adam was between clay and water. ” And other prophets were not prophets except in the state of his prophecy and the time of his message. Let us mention in this chapter his position and status, so the position He appears in the carpet of truth and the seat of truth at the manifestation and vision on the day of the greatest public falsehood, so his status is known b

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And know that whoever enters this house will see wonders in it that he does not see in other places. This is because he sees the deeds of the wretched embodied and the deeds of the happy also embodied in existing images that make sense of the existence of their Creator. God has placed in the souls of these images a search for the causes for which they were created, and they are the ones who work and are diligent in their search. As for the deeds of the happy people, they see on their right a path that they take, and that path takes them to see their companions who are happy, and they recognize each other and wonder, and the doers take them as boats of victory and salvation that carry them to the resting place of mercy. As for the deeds of the wretched, many forked paths arise for them, intertwining with each other, and they do not know which path will take them to their companions. So they are confused and not guided, and this is from God’s mercy on the wretched. If their deeds ar

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