The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Let adornment cover it, whether high or low, middle, apparent or hidden. So if he sits on it in the divine form and God commands the All-Knowing to pledge his allegiance to hearing and obeying, whether active or forced, then every commanded person, higher and lower, except the high ones, who are dominant and worshipers by essence and not by command, is included in his pledge of allegiance. He is the first to enter upon him in that council. The highest ranks of them are the first, then the first, so they take his hand in listening and obedience, and they do not adhere to the stimulant or the coercive, because they do not know these two qualities in themselves, since none of them is known except by tasting its opposite. They are in a stimulant for which they do not know a taste, because they have not tasted the coercive, and not among them is a soul that enters into it to pledge allegiance except And he asks him about a matter of divine knowledge, and he says to him, “Oh, you are th

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And know that man is a tree from among the trees that God made to grow, a tree and not a star, because he is standing on a stem, and He made him a tree out of the quarreling that is within him, because he is created from opposites, and opposites require quarreling, quarreling, and disputing, and for this reason the Supreme Council disputes, and the basis of its existence in the world is the rule of the divine names that are opposite each other in the ruling, and nothing else. Its divine basis. God Almighty said regarding Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that He said, “I had no knowledge of the highest councils when they disputed until God Almighty informed him. He knew that nature had an effect on them, just as the pillars have an effect on the bodies of generators. And since people were trees, He placed in them governors to whom they could return when they quarreled.” So that they may judge between themselves so that the rule of quarreling disappears, and He app

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