The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Before the listeners, it ceases to be a proof for them. When the magicians learned how strong the argument was that what Moses had brought, and that it was outside of what they had brought, and the veracities of what he had brought were confirmed in accordance with what they had brought, and they saw his fear, they knew that this was from God, and if it had been from Him, it would not have been feared, because He knew. What is happening, its sign among the magicians is its fear, and its sign among the people is that it catches his staff, so the magicians believed. It was said that they were eighty thousand magicians, and they knew that the greatest signs in this place were to remove these images from the eyes of the onlookers and to keep a living image of Moses’ staff in their eyes, and the situation with them was the same, so they knew that Moses was sincere in what he was calling them to, and that this is what He brought it outside of the known images and tricks in magic, for it

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And if Satan comes to you from the left side with suspicions of obstruction or the existence of a partner with God Almighty in his divinity, and you expel him, then God will strengthen you in that with the evidence of monotheism and the knowledge of theorizing. The senses, and from here the confusion entered into sophism, as it introduced error into the senses, which is what the theorists rely on for the validity of their evidence and the axioms in divine knowledge and other things. When the error in that was shown to them, they said, “He did not know then” at all, and it can be trusted. If they are told, “This is knowledge because he did not know.” What is your basis for not saying it? They said, and likewise we say that our saying is not knowledge and it is among the fallacies. It is said to them, “You have learned that this statement of yours is not knowledge,” and your saying that this is also among the fallacies is proof of what you denied, so introduce doubt into them in wha

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Then you will know that man has made the truth into two parts in the order of the city of his body, and he has placed the heart between the two parts of him, like a separator between two things. He has placed in the upper part, which is the head, all the sensory and spiritual faculties, and in the other half of the sensitive faculties he has placed only the sense of touch, so it perceives rough and soft, hot and cold. And the wet and the dry with his sensitive soul in terms of this special force that applies throughout his body and nothing else. As for the natural forces related to the management of the body, it is the attractive force, and with it the animal soul attracts what is good for the organ, such as the liver and heart, and the holding force, and with it it holds what the attracting force has attracted to the organ until it takes from it what is in it. Its benefits, if you say, then if the purpose is the benefit, then from where did the disease enter the body? Know that t

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