The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So be patient or do not be patient, it is the same for you, and the place of this world in which the request for forgiveness occurred requires that it be accepted, unlike the place of the Hereafter. Just as warning and the lack of warning were equal to them, so they did not believe, likewise the presence of patience and its lack of patience was equal to their right in the Hereafter, so it did not affect the influence of recompense, reconciliation, and the knowledge of relying on other than God. Among the things that God is thankful to rely on is his effect in the Hereafter in recompense, harmony, the knowledge of the reason for marriage that does not involve procreation in order to preserve that kind, the knowledge of the reason for giving without need, since giving only occurs in the case of someone in need, and the knowledge of the existence of gratitude with exchange in sales, not in gifts, because Gratitude in gifts is reasonable, and for this reason it was prescribed to rewar

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Souls will be rewarded for what they have earned*** of every good thing, but they will not be rewarded for what they have earned

What is the gain of gain if you know it *** I will reap from the goodness on the Day of Judgment what I planted

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Know, may God help you, that God Almighty created everyone in a position of humility and need and in the position assigned to him. None of these people among God’s creation rose above the position in which he was created, except the heavy ones, for God created them in a position of honor and other than the position they end up in when they arrive. The cessation of their breath that they have in the life of this world, so they have the right to ascend to their stations which the Witnesses will bequeath to them, and descend to their stations which will bequeath them to standing behind the veil, so they are in the Isthmus of the Two Helpers, either thankful and will rise up or ungrateful and will be lowered. God Almighty said: I did not create the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Him. He did not say except in worship. So when He made worship in their hands and placed it in their hands. What is meant by it is their creation. Some of them did what was intended for them

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