The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

There are two books in existence, a book that he named, but in it is what was before its creation and what is written by him by virtue of the abhorrent name. It is a book with a known value in which there are some specific possible things and what is formed from them, and another book in which there is only what is formed from those who are assigned in particular. So writing in it continues as long as the assignment is with it. God’s proof is established upon those who are accountable, and through Him He demands from them, not through their mother, and this is the true and clear Imam by whom the Almighty Truth judges, which God told us in His Book that He commanded His Prophet to say to his Lord, “Rule with truth.” He intends this book, which is the book of statistics. He does not leave out a small or a large thing without counting them, and every small and large is covered. It is stated in Al-Umm, which is Al-Zubur, which means writing, and although there are many types of books

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