The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And every lower trace in the corner of the water and the earth is from the movement of the orbit of Venus, and it is from the command that God revealed in every heaven, and these traces are the divine command that descends between the heaven and the earth, and it is in everything that is generated between them between the heaven with what descends from it and the earth with what it accepts of this. Descent is just as the female womb accepts water from the man for formation and moist air from the birds. God Almighty said, “He created seven heavens, and from the earth the like of them. The matter descends between them, so that you may know that God has power over all things. Power has no connection except with creation. So we know that what is meant by this descent is only It is the composition and what happens He has some knowledge on this day and in its hours of days, the knowledge of photography in the presence of beauty, human beings, and the knowledge of circumstances .

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And every scientific matter takes place on the Sabbath for this allowance that has the preservation of the first region, from the spirituality of Ibrahim Al-Khalil, peace be upon him, and from the upper influence that is in him in the corner of fire and air, from the movement of the planet Kiwan in its orbit, and from the influence that was in the lower world, the corner of earth and water. The movement of his orbit. God Almighty says about the moving stars, each of them swimming in an orbit. And God Almighty said, “And by the star they are guided.” So He created them to be guided by them, and from the knowledge that he obtains on this day and in its hours of the rest of the days, day and night, the knowledge of steadfastness and empowerment and the knowledge of permanence and permanence.

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This imam knew about the positions of these Abdals and their abandonment, and he said that the position of the first person and his abandonment is nothing like it, and the reason for that is the fact that his primacy was due to him, since if an example had been presented to him, his precedence would not have been valid, so his mention is appropriate for his position and the position of the second person in his abandonment, because the sea ran out before the words of my Lord ran out, and He The position of divine knowledge and its connection does not end, and it is the second of the descriptions, for the first of the descriptions is life, followed by knowledge and the abandonment of the third person, and his position and in yourselves: “Do you not see?” It is the third level, for the first verses are the divine names, the second verses are in the horizons, and the verses that follow the seconds are in our souls. God Almighty said, “We will show them Our signs in the horizons.” And

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And I was told that this pole, who is the healer of woes, was during the time of his imprisonment in his temple and his rule in the world. When he stood, seventy tribes stood for him, all of them in whom divine knowledge and the secrets of existence were revealed, and his words never exceeded seven, and he remained for a long time among his companions, and he was assisted in his time by those who His companions were a virtuous person, and the people closest to him in council were his name was Al-Muslim. When this Imam ascended, he assumed his position in the Qutbiya Al-Muslim. The majority of his knowledge was the knowledge of time, which is an honorable knowledge from which he knows eternity, and from which his saying, peace be upon him, appeared, “There was God and nothing was with Him,” and this is a knowledge that only individuals know. Men, which is expressed in the first age .

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