The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And if the limbs were in pain, they would not have denied it as the soul denies it, and it would not bear witness to it. God Almighty said, “And you did not conceal it lest your hearing, nor your sight, nor your skins should bear witness against you.” And He said, “Indeed, the hearing, the sight, and the heart, all of those were about Him.” Asked, so the name “Kan” is the soul. The soul asks about his hearing, sight, and heart as well We have decided that it will be said to him, “What did you do to your subjects?” Do you not see the unjust ruler, if the king takes him and tortures him when his subjects cry out for him? How can the subjects rejoice in taking revenge on their ruler? Likewise, the limbs will reveal to you on the Day of Resurrection their joy and bliss with what you see in the soul that was managing in its guardianship over him, because the sanctity of God is great for the limbs. Do you not see the disobedient among the believers, how God causes them to die in the Fir

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And know that the reason for describing the two fists as praise is because they are grasped for the sake of God Almighty. So He placed the two fists in His hand and said: These are for Hell, and I do not care. These are for Paradise, and I do not care. They have not known anyone but God, so they glorify Him and glorify Him because they are in His grip and there is no escape from the grip. Then God, in His generosity, did not say, “These are for torment.” And I do not care, and these are for bliss, and I do not care. Rather, He added them to the two homes to inhabit them and so on .

It is stated in the authentic report that when God created Paradise and Hell, He said to each one of them it will have its fullness

That is, fill it with inhabitants, since He was the building of the abode. With its inhabitants, as the one who said it said,

And the building of nations with inhabitants,

Because it is a place and it cannot be a place except by dwel

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