The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Adam's body was made of clay, and he mixed water with dirt, then breathed a soul and a spirit into him. It was mentioned in the first prophecy in some of the books revealed to a prophet among the Children of Israel, the text of which I will mention now, as there is a need to mention it, for the truest news is what was narrated from God Almighty, so we narrated it from Muslima. Ibn Waddah, with his chain of transmission, and he was from the people of Cordoba. He said,

God said in some of what He revealed to the prophets of the Children of Israel, “I created, meaning Adam, from dust and water, and breathed into him a soul and a spirit, so I formed his body from the dust, his moisture from the water, his heat from the soul, and his coldness.” From the spirit, he said: Then after this I made four other types in the body, one of which does not subsist except with the other, namely bile, blood, and phlegm. Then I made them dwell in one another, so I made the abode of dryness in

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This imam was one of the most knowledgeable people about this natural creation and the effects of the upper world in it that are deposited in the lights of the planets and their swimming, which is the matter that God revealed in the heavens and in their conjunctions, descent, ascent, apogee, and perigee. God Almighty said: And He revealed in every heaven its command, and He said in the earth, and He decreed It has its sustenances, and this person, as we have mentioned, had a wide scope, extensive sales, and a solid footing, but his strength in looking at the seventh astronomy did not go beyond the matter of taste and situation, but what happened to him was in the starry astronomy and the atlas, through revelation and viewing, and he was predominant in the heart of the notables in his claim, and the notables do not change in our view as a whole, so this was the case. The person never ceases to praise his spirituality in terms of his observations and thoughts, along with the corresp

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This imam had a great student in self-knowledge and the knowledge of power, and he used to be kind to his companions in admonishing him and concealed that from most of his companions out of fear for him from them. That is why he was called the Healer of the Wretched, as Yaqub Yusuf, peace be upon them both, kept secret, out of concern for him from his brothers. He used to occupy most of his companions with the knowledge of management and the like. What is problematic with this art is the installation of souls in bodies, analyzing bodies, and composing them by removing an image from them or removing an image from them, so that they can understand from this the work of God, the All-Knowing, the Wise, and from this pole came the knowledge of the world and that it is a great human being, and that the human being is brief in crime and identical in meaning, so tell me the spirit from which I took what I entrusted him with this book that one day he gathered his companions in Daskra and h

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One day I entered Cordoba to see its judge, Abu Al-Walid Ibn Rushd, and he wanted to meet me when he heard and heard what God had revealed to me while I was alone. He was showing amazement at what he heard, so my father sent me to him in need, intending to meet with me, for he was one of his friends and I was a young boy.

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