The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Translate with good words *** Do not be one of these, then spread evil

The truth is not seen by slaves who did not *** see the meaning of the letter spread

So if he saw it, he stood up*** and saw the universe as poor, so spread

May God have mercy on His world *** and He called the creation to Him and He was gathered

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Know, O dear friend, that we have narrated in this chapter on the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas, may God be pleased with them both, that a man was injured in his honor, and he came to him asking him to make it permissible for him to do so. He said to him, “O Ibn Abbas, I have offended you, so make me free from that.” So he said, “I seek refuge in God to make what is permissible for me.” God has forbidden. God has forbidden the honor of Muslims, so I do not make it permissible, but God has forgiven you. See how amazing this behavior is and how good knowledge is. From this perspective, a person swears on what he is permitted to do not to do or do. So God imposed the law of faith, and it is a matter of divine deception and deception, except for those who disobey him. God Almighty said to his Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to judge between the people according to what God has shown you. He did not say what you saw, but rather Utbah, Glory be to Him, when he forbad

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Know, may God grant you success, that Sharia law is the white proof, the proof of the happy, and the path to happiness. Whoever follows it is saved, and whoever abandons it is destroyed.

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said when the Almighty’s saying was revealed to him, “And this is my straight path, the line of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.” May God bless him and grant him peace on the earth. He drew lines on both sides of the line, right and left. Then he placed his finger on the line and said next, “And this is my straight path, so follow it and do not follow other paths.” He pointed to those lines that he had drawn to the right and left of the line, so he separated you from his path, and he pointed to the straight line. < /p

And he told me about the city of Salé, a city in Morocco on the shore of the surrounding sea, and it is called cut off from the ground. There is no land behind it, a man of the right

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And know that when the desires prevailed over the souls and the scholars sought ranks with the kings, they abandoned the white argument and tended to far-fetched interpretations to follow the purposes of the kings in what they had in mind their own desires, and to base that on a legal matter even though the jurist may not believe that and give fatwas according to it, and we have seen a group of them who agree. This is one of their judges and jurists, and King Al-Zahir Ghazi, the son of King Al-Nasir, Saladin Yusuf bin Ayyub, told me, and something like this occurred between me and him. He called Mamlouk and said, “Bring me the Haramdan.” I said to him, “What’s the matter with the Haramdan?” He said, “You denounce what is happening in my country and my kingdom of abominations and injustice, and I, by God, believe it.” Like what you think, that all of this is objectionable, but by God, sir, none of it is objectionable.

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