The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

One thing after another, but he described himself as not doing one thing until he finishes another thing, so he said, “We will finish for you, you heavy ones.” From this fact, he was told, “Stand, for your Lord is praying.” That is to say, He does not combine two tasks, intending to take care of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, by placing him in a position. Devoting oneself to it is a warning to take care of it, and God is greater and higher in the souls of those who know it than that, for what a person attains from one who devotes oneself to it is greater and more powerful than what he obtains from one who does not have the condition to devote oneself to it, because these matters attract him from it. This is in the state and honor of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and he was with him in this. The one standing in the position of a king summoned some of his servants to bring him closer and honor him. When he entered his presence and sat in his position, he asked

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And know that the ascents of the saints are by means of determination, and the prophets participated with them in this ascension because they were saints, not because they were prophets or messengers, so the guardian ascends with his determination and insight to the brilliance of his work and the fluttering of his sincerity, a moral ascension in which he attains what the possessive individuals give him of the ranks of guardianship and honor. They are three different adjacent ascension, and the fourth ascension is the fourth ascension. The ascension of the directions of the names is upon them, so the divine names shed their lights on the angels’ ascents, but from the lights of the duties and laws that are the deeds that are closest to happiness, especially this is what I want in this place for the distinction between the ascents, so the angel’s ascents shine with that light, and the angel is tinged with it, just as a chameleon is tinged with the place in which it is, and then the a

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