The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The origin is the saying of God Almighty, “He who created you and fashioned you and made you equal, and it is this apparent creation. Then He said, ‘In what form He willed He created you,’ meaning this equal, modified creation, capable of all forms, so God Almighty exalts Him in any form He wills. So teach us that this creation gives acceptance of any form, and so is His saying, ‘Then’. We created him as another creation after completing the arrangement of the apparent form of man, so He appointed for him one of the forms that is in his power and structure that he should accept. So if man knows of the divine revelation that he is on the origin and reality of accepting forms, then he works to achieve a matter by which he will reach knowledge of the matter, and when it is opened to him in it, he appears in the world of testimony in Any form of the world of testimony He wills and He appears in the world of the unseen and the kingdom in any of its forms He wills. However, the differen

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And know that the origin of this matter that I mentioned in this issue is from divine knowledge in the divine manifestation. From there this matter appeared in the world of the unseen and the witnessed, since the world in its entirety, man in his copy, and the kingdom with his power were in the form of the station of manifestation in the various forms, and he did not know the reality of those forms. In which transformation occurs in reality, except for the one who has the status of transformation in any form he wishes, even if he does not appear in it, and that status is only for the pure and sincere slave, for it does not give him the status of servitude if he imitates any of the attributes of his master in one sentence, to the point that he reaches his strength in achieving servitude that he He perishes, forgets, and is consumed with the knowledge of the power that he possesses due to the transformation of forms, such that he does not know it from himself out of submission to th

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