The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Of the servants, he is the one who brings everything down to its level and does not go beyond its level. He gives everyone his right. He does not judge anything for his own purposes or according to his whims. He is not affected by accidental symptoms. So the wise man looks at this abode in which God has placed him for a while, and he looks at Whatever God has prescribed for him to dispose of it without adding or subtracting, he should do it according to the method that has been shown to him, and he should not put away from his hand the scale that was set for him in this place, for if he puts it due to ignorance of the quantities, then he will either lose in his weight or be small, and God has condemned both cases, and God Almighty has made lightening a condition. It is his specialty in which he praises the circumcision, so he circumvents there with knowledge, for it is the tip of the scale, and he will be praised by God for his circumcision. If he knows this and the scale does not

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