The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

We have given you an example of it in this chapter, and in this way the conditions attributed to men are formed. As for the conditions in their souls, they have the general rule in everything and have a permanent presence in everything. The verb of the adverb is called permanent and relates to the old and the new. God Almighty said, “We will unpack for you, O heavy ones.” This is the case if you know, and God speaks the truth and He guides the path. End of the twentieth book of the Meccan conquests.

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The Alawite clerics quarreled with Burhan***, with some objection and forgetfulness on their part .

On our proportionality in the origin of our creation *** in nature, which is a perfection in which there is a deficiency

Nature, without the soul, is its place *** so its rule is in vanity. All is a corpse

And if it is born from a spirit and from an orbit *** elements that are pillars in the verses.

Every body has a governing spirit *** By its nature, it is asleep and awake

And every body is governed by nature ** * The body and the soul are an enlightenment and a volcano.

So look, you will see a wonder, since nothing departs from the rule o

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As for the sciences contained in this revelation, the science of stations, the positions of angels in the world and their rank, and is that known here or in the afterlife, the knowledge of the station from which it appeared in the world, the knowledge of the dispute that occurs in the world and the controversial one, and of the conditions of the opposing divine names such as the Forgiver and the Avenger, if each is sought? One of them is his ruling on the sinner, the knowledge of the earth and for what reason they were found, the knowledge of the mountains and whether they are from the earth or not, and whether they were found at once or as the sages held it, the knowledge of marriage valid in the mental, moral, sensual and animal world, the knowledge of sleep and whether he is in Paradise or not, and whether he has a ruling in the divine world and knowledge. Night and day, day and time, knowledge of the heavens, knowledge of the sun, knowledge of births, knowledge of the unseen,

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