The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

They are intercession and manifestation in images on the path of transformation. If this state takes hold in a man’s heart and he knows from divine knowledge what has called those whom I have described to this and that they are under the oppression of what they are being led to, they supplicate to God in Al-Dayaji and flatter Him in their right and ask Him to admit them into His mercy then. The vengeance was taken from them in its measure, and if they were the inhabitants of that house, then let him grant them bliss therein, since they were among the things to which general mercy extended. Far be it from the divine refuge from restriction, and He is the one who says that His mercy preceded His wrath, so the wrath was attached to nothingness, and if it were a thing, then it is under the encompassing of the vast divine mercy, and he said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. The Prophets, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, will say on the Day of Resurrection when they ask

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The day that the prophets referred to is the Day of Resurrection, and the Day of Resurrection is the day when people will rise from their graves to the Lord of the Worlds. God Almighty said, “On the day when people will rise up before the Lord of the Worlds, and on that day the wrath of God will be upon the people of wrath, and He gave the ruling of that wrath the command to enter the Fire, and the torment will come, and vengeance will be given to them.” The polytheists and other people who come out through intercession and whom the Most Merciful will take out as stated in the Sahih and admit them to Paradise, since they were not among the people of Hell who are its people, and no one remains in Hell except its people who are its people. So the matter spread. By entering the Fire, everyone who enters it, whether from its people or not from it, is for that divine wrath, after which there will never be another wrath like it. If the torment were to be eternally imposed on them, it wo

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