The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God has taken away the eyes of the angels from their witnesses, and they are hidden with God in a certain occultation of Him, Glory be to Him, and the heavens do not know about them even though they are in them. God has made the presence of their eyes in the world of this world in the movements of those spheres. Among the people are those who in that place are given witnesses of themselves and their rank, either of their goals or of their perfection. Or he witnesses a form of any form, and it is precisely that position for him in the life of this world, and he knows it and judges himself by it. Here the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, witnessed his prophecy, and we do not know whether he witnessed the form of all his conditions or not, for God knows best. It will preserve this image until its time arrives, and it will give it its ranks in the life of this world, that astronomical image, without losing from it that is the decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowi

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Know that Adam, peace be upon him, when God created him and changed him just as He changed the spheres and all the presences that we mentioned, He made for us in his form images like what He did with the creatures previously mentioned. Then He captured those specific images in Adam’s back, and Adam does not know what it contains, just as He is every form. We have in every sphere and station by which neither that sphere nor that station is known, and indeed, in every form we have a special face to Him, from that facet He addresses us, and from that facet we respond to Him, and from that facet we acknowledge His lordship. If we had been taken from before Adam, we would have known, so taking was from his back, since it was his back. He was absent from him, and he also took him with us in this charter from his back, for he has with us a picture in his form, so he testified as we testified, and he does not know that it was taken from him, or perhaps he knew, for we are not certain that

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