The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Since it is not impossible to impose the impossible, and what is included in this house is the knowledge of the Alawite scholar who specializes in astronomy, the Atlas in particular, and of Amara and what they praise and what is related to it about who takes, to whom gives and from whom he receives, and self-giving, which is the giving of a cause, and voluntary giving, which is the giving of choice, knowledge of the afterlife, and knowledge of what happens from The manifestation in the soul of the servant, the influence of the weak on the strong, and what the divine purposes and desires prevailing in the world that everyone claims, whether animal, human or otherwise, and knowledge of the righteousness that the prophets ask of God, and human ratification in particular, and to whom he believes and what he believes and what he rejects, and is he obligated to believe in what the evidence of reason indicates? What is its status with God, where does it end with its owner, are believers

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Oh, intimate guardian, we do not abrogate knowledge with suspicion, for the loser is the one whose condition is like this. The dignity of faith is higher, and the dignity of poverty is more important. Let it be your business to venerate the poor believer over the rich believer with his wealth, which is dear to him and his prestige, which is hidden from himself. The poor believer is the manifestation of your truth, and you are commanded to watch yourself. Beware of deviating from Its way: the poor believer is your mirror in which you see yourself, and the believer who is rich in wealth for you is a mirror of you that has become rusty and you do not see yourself in it, so you do not know what change has occurred on your face. So God did not blame His Prophet in vain. Rather, God made clear in that the highest path of guidance and rebuked the path of evil. He said, “No, it is a deterrent and a rebuke to a situation.” You are concealed from what I mentioned and decided for you in this

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Know that conditions possess a person, it is necessary for that, and if you hear of a person who possesses states, he does not possess a state except by another condition. The condition that required him to possess this state is the one who rules over him at the time, for the time belongs to him. Some people from the people of our path have made a mistake in this matter. And they made the differences between the prophets, peace be upon him, and the saints the property of the situation. They said, “The prophets own the circumstances, and the saints are governed by the circumstances,” which is a big mistake from every perspective, for a person is never free of a situation by which he deals with his time, and he is the ruler of it .

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And know that God has decreed in the souls of the great men of God to venerate the attributes of the Truth wherever they appear. If they appear to the one in whom they are by virtue of accident, then this loyal man’s veneration is for the attribute of the Truth and not for the place in which it is apparent. If he neglects to veil the attribute described, then he magnifies it for its sake and it should not. This only applies to the one to whom the truth has been given to him, not to the one who has stolen it, for he is like one who wears a false garment, like one who is satiated with what he does not own. If the guardian exalts the attribute of the truth, if it appears to him in one person and its attribute appears to him in another person, he turns away from his attribute, glorifying it, if he turns away from the truth by beholding himself, and does not intend anything but glorification, and is dragged along with it. That is glorifying the place in which the attribute of truth was

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